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Strategize. Elevate. Activate.

  Redefining Women Business Ownership.  


You're ready.

At Athena, we’ve found too many times that business owners are afraid to work with people like us because they don’t feel “ready.” We’re here to tell you, you are.


We’ve all been there. Stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel of business ownership. Endless fires to put out and client problems to solve. You start every week full of good intentions to finally work ON the business rather than IN the business but by 10am on Monday morning, those dreams have flown out the window and your email inbox is overflowing.

Let's face it.

There’s more to ownership than just business—there’s long-term plans to make, tough conversations to be had, and a team that needs to feel valued—all wrapped up before 4:00 so you can get your kids to soccer. Things aren’t always so rosy, even if you live your life wearing rose-colored glasses.


With years of experience, our strategists have the capabilities and expertise to move you away from the never ending urgent tasks and get you working on the important ones that take your business to the next level.


Why Us?

Because we get it. All Athena strategists have been where you are. We’re all women who have owned and run businesses ourselves. We know just how hard and wonderful and emotional and confusing and crazy it is. You wouldn't take parenting advice from a single college student...why would you expect anything less from your business strategist?


“For the first time, we have a strategy that works uniquely for us. We are knocking out goals faster than we have in 20 years of business.” 

©2019 Athena Strategy

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